The Eschaton Reviewed: tomorrow is another day
Eschatology(from the Greek eschaton meaning “last”) is a part of theology, physics, philosophy, and futurology concerned with what are believed to be the final events of history, the ultimate destiny of humanity , commonly referred to as the “end of the world” or “end time”.
This linear concept of history dominated and still dominates most ideologies and political religions, as the conservative American philosopher Eric Voeglin argues. He criticizes, that they try to adapt the transcendent concept of “end time” and “the heaven on earth” onto reality (“immanentize the eschaton”). One could oppose to him the fact, that in a century, where humankind has reached the potential to destroy itself and all its resources, concepts of an actively formed history and its future performance become necessary and relevant again.
The end of history is not yet reached, postmodernism has already become an episode. Therefore history becomes a field of action, the possibility to define ones position and direction out of retrospective.
The exhibition features artistic positions, which use historic material and relicts as a starting point for their work. Throughout this process it becomes visible, that history can never be finished, because it is permanently constructed from the present. “-From today’s point of view did not exist back then.” (Markus Proschek)